CSS Framework | Creating Balance and Clarity

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) Framework is a system made to control the website’s grid structure. The overall facade of the website must be adequately designed to enhance the visual journey of the audience.

The composition of the website must have a CSS Framework that is proportioned, visually appealing, and balanced. It is to comply with the nature of the human being programmed to long for a structure easy on the eye.

Composition of the website is crucial in keeping the audience engaged in your site. To achieve an effective design, one must possess design principles that will create a cohesive image.

Balance in Design

Balance is crucial in illustrating the structure of the website. Elements used have particular weight, texture, size and visual appeal. All of these components must be harmoniously combined to create balance and stray away from chaos.

There are two kinds of balance. The symmetrical and asymmetrical balance. Each renders an opposite figurative appearance and style. It is important to identify one that best suits your design, brand, and marketing scheme to successfully create a website that does not only look the part but also delivers.  

Symmetrical Balance

Symmetrical balance is a formal balance where the composition is of the same dimension from each side. It is like a mirrored image that illustrates figures with similar weight. Symmetrical balance is a practical design that you could never go wrong. On the other hand, it could sometimes lack originality and creativity. However, if it fits your brand image, formal balance will be quite easy to achieve. 

Asymmetrical Balance

Asymmetrical balance or informal balance is leaning towards an abstract composition that requires a good eye to effectively execute. It is visually interesting than symmetrical balance. It renders an unpredictable pattern that works together towards one goal. The figures could be opposing each other but, the proportion of the arrangement projects a voguish appeal.

Asymmetrical balance is a versatile composition perfect for designing websites. It gives the artist the freedom to express creativity with consideration to function and visual appeal. Moreover, asymmetrical balance can accentuate important figures that the brand wants to evoke to its target market. However, poor execution of asymmetrical balance can lead to chaos and confusion. Thus, the layout must be planned strategically before executing.


Unity is another factor that will bring harmony to your design. In theory, unity is when diverse elements of the components interact with each other in conjunction. Similar shapes, colours, or pattern in an image typically projects a collective composition rather than disparate figures. Each object in the image must work as a unit to achieve unity. Proximity and repetition are a few of the approaches that can help designers layout harmonious visuals.

• Proximity

By placing figures closer together in your layout will create a focal point that will direct the eye straight to the objects.

• Repetition

Repetition is when similar objects repeatedly appear on the layout. Be it a shape, colour, textures, and others, but as long as they are generously repeated, it can aid the layout in showing off a united appeal.


Emphasis is a concept that injects focus to important elements in the website. Emphasis is ideal if you want to feature a particular object that will draw attention to your target audience. It is important to identify which figures are important that needs emphasis to effectively relay the intended message to viewers.


Continuance creates a cohesive flow in the design. It helps project a layout that extends one common goal. Continuance also directs that eye to the next message the website wants to evoke. It will lead the viewers to a visual tour around the website effortlessly.


Contrast promotes clarity in the image. The juxtaposition of objects will create a graphical effect that renders emphasis. The more distinct difference the elements has, the more contrast it projects. However, contrasts must be balanced to avoid confusing visuals. Too much contrast or ineffective colour choices can distract the audience.

Balance and clarity in the design are important in maintaining order on the website. It is important to effectively create a layout that is on par with your brand image and message to your viewers. Achieving a successful design requires a careful selection of figures while incorporating the most ideal design theory.

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